Frequently asked questions

You can either pay for your reservation online or pay at the property. There may be a discount for paying online.

Upon confirmation of reservation, we will confirm your checkin details. In some instances a host will be waiting for you. In some instances. You will get a door code to access your room.

Details of how to get to your apartment including Google maps and your hosts phone number will be shared with you upon confirmation of your booking.

We only list apartments that are in private gated estates. All of them have uniformed guards and cctv cameras. Most of them have armed policemen on guard

Absolutely no smoking of any kind is allowed in any of our apartments. You will need to exit your apartments to the gardens or grounds to smoke

Yes, all our apartments have superfast wifi.

Please provide a government Identification (International Passport or Voters Card) before you check in. We are unable to allow anyone without identification into our apartments.

Loud music or noise or parties in the apartments is NOT ALLOWED at any time. Quiet hours are also observed from 9pm- 8am, Monday- Sunday. This means we ask our guests to be quiet as a courtesy to other guests in the building.

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